BRM – Brevet des Randonneurs Mondiaux

1. Introduction

The Audax Club Parisien created in 1921 the free pace randonneuring events of 200, 300, 400, 600, 1000 km and in 1931 Paris-Brest-Paris Randonneur. These events were called Brevets Randonneurs Français. Since 1975, a full serie is compulsory for all the entrants to P.B.P, in order to be well trained for this event.

Then, they became Brevets Randonneurs Européens in 1976 and Brevets Randonneurs Mondiaux in 1983.

All the organizers of BRM must apply and respect the rules of the Brevets de Randonneurs Mondiaux.

You can ride a Brevet de Randonneurs Mondiaux in more than 50 countries and over 5 continents, thanks to the association “Les Randonneurs Mondiaux” gathering all our representatives.

2. CalendAR

Thanks to all our correspondents, you can discover the delights of the great randonnee near you. After a few 200km BRM, you will quickly try to discover the sentations of the very long distance and you will understand that it is within everyone’s reach with good preparation and advice for confirmed riders. From 200 to 1000, these BRM are approved by the Audax Club Parisien and beyond, by the Randonneurs Mondiaux.

You can download here the calendar of the 2022 French BRM : pdf

From To Distance Km
Country State County
Qualifying R10000


Reminder of our past BRM :

March 12th 2022 : BRM 200, start from Noisiel.

May 14th 2022 : BRM 400, start from Noisiel.

21 mai 2022 : BRM 200 dedidated to women starting from Pantin.

June 11th 2022 : BRM 300 of the Century, start from Corbeil-Essonnes.

25 juin 2022 : BRM 600,, start from Noisiel.

14 juillet 2022 : BRM 1000.

May 26th 2021 : “200 girls on 200 kilometers”, start from Pantin.

September 11th 2021 : 200 kilometers Brevet of the Century, start from Versailles. .

4. Results

Results of past years are available here :

YearBRM ResultsCountry rankingClub ranking

5. Contacts

Here are our representatives worldwide :

If you have no representative in your country, you can be this one! You have just to send a mail to the person in charge of the international BRM validations

Jean-Gualbert FABUREL
76 Rue de la République
78920 ECQUEVILLY (France)
Mail : Jean-Gualbert FABUREL

6. Organisers TOOL BOX

Some documents to organize your events :

Annual calendar submission form

Courses validation form

Example of course validation form

How to calculate check point opening and closing times

ACP club codes for France

ACP club codes outside France

How can you send your results for validation :

Please contact your local ACP representative to submit your results. He will enter them in our online BRM homologation tool

How can you ask for the Super Randonneur medal :

Your local ACP representative will use the Super Randonneur medal form to request them for all your country riders.


Rider Rules